I am a 30 something year old mom of five precious boys and two sweet girls. Five of our children are here with us and two are in the arms of Jesus. Our sweet baby girl Hope was diagnosed with Dystrophic Epdermolysis Bullosa and our youngest son came to us through adoption, our youngest daughter through foster care, and I've recently been diagnosed with malignant melanoma the Lord has shown us just how Faithful He is. We will continue to Journey and follow Him where ever He leads. We feel very blessed that God chose us to be the parents of each of our kids, and we look forward to what He has in store for us in foster care!
Just the other day the boys found a picture of me when I was three years old. They to this day refuse to believe it isn't Hope. People always tell us that she looks a lot like me...what do you think?
Ok, so some parents put photos in front of you and say, "Doesn't she/he look like __________?", and then you nod your head and kinda sorta agree. THIS comparison is stunning... WOW, she certainly is mini-Mommy. Adorable.
Go ahead and mention my child, The one that died, you know. Don't worry about hurting me further. The depth of my pain doesn't show. Don't worry about making me cry. I'm already crying inside. Help me to heal by releasing The tears that I try to hide. I'm hurt when you just keep silent, Pretending she didn't exist. I'd rather you mention my child, Knowing that she has been missed. You asked me how I was doing. I say "pretty good" or "fine". But healing is something ongoing I feel it will take a lifetime. ~ Elizabeth Dent ~
"When I Lay My Isaac Down" - Carol Kent "The One Year Book of Hope" - Nancy Guthrie "Holding on to Hope" - Nancy Guthrie "Empty Cradle Broken Heart" - Deborah Davis "Waiting With Gabriel" - Amy Kuebelbeck "Streams in the Desert" - LB Cowman "It Takes a Parent" - Betsy Hart "I'll Hold You in Heaven" - Jack Hayford "Crazy Love" Francis Chan "Radical" David Platt
Wow! Definately!
That's what you call a mini-me. My daughter and her daughter are look-a-likes too, I love it!
Ok, so some parents put photos in front of you and say, "Doesn't she/he look like __________?", and then you nod your head and kinda sorta agree. THIS comparison is stunning... WOW, she certainly is mini-Mommy. Adorable.
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