Saturday was probably our best day so far. Our symbol was "lips" which meant we were to use our words to make others smile and we were to encourage others. Howard was working so I loaded up the kids and we stopped at a new, FABULOUS, local bakery and we picked up some cinnamon rolls and made deliveries to some folks we knew could use the "pick me up". We then spent the afternoon with my grandma. Since my grandpa died, she gets lonely and just LOVES having us spend time with her. We could be there for 12 hours and she still will say "I don't know why you have to leave so soon." I LOVE LOVE LOVE her so much and thank God for every day I get with her. She raised my sister and me and really, there isn't a greater lady on earth.
Once we left her house it was really beginning to snow. We got home and ate dinner and then we sat at the table and made wreaths from willow tree branches. They were SO cute. I am hoping to get a few pictures up soon. Then, we bundled EVERYONE up and headed to a local grocery store to hand out wreaths and wish folks a Merry Christmas. It was COLD, and the kids had a BLAST! When Howard suggested this, I thought he was insane. I LOVE snow and cold, from inside my warm home. I am not a fan of being out in it.
I was leery of how his was going to go down as Luke is typically PAINFULLY shy. It was SO awesome to see the kids so excited and making others smile. I will also say that they got a lesson in rejection. I would guess that about fifty percent of people they approached to wish a Merry Christmas and offer a wreath, told them no. Sometimes nicely, sometimes, not so much. We pretty much stunned people I think. One lady even looked at me and said, "Seriously? You are standing out here in the freezing cold with your children to wish strangers a Merry Christmas?" YEP.
So, some people scoffed and scowled and walked away and others were genuinely touched by the boys. Either way...they were AWESOME.
So, how is it going for you?
"Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy. Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers." - Francis Chan
WoW! That is so wonderful! I LOVE what you are doing! I need to think of some specific 'out of the ordinary' things to do with my kids! Thanks for sharing and inspiring me!
That is awesome!
I'm sure you allblessed alot of peoples hearts!
Merry CHRISTmas!
Those were all wonderful ideas. Sad that some people at the store weren't nice. I can't imagine doing someone like that.
Love the part about your grandmother. My grandmothers meant the world to me. I've blogged about them several times. I lost both over three years ago, within three months. Enjoy and cherish yours for as long as you have her~ and beyond. My shelf in my living room is a shrine to mine and my husband's great aunt. He still has one grandmother. She's 96 and still lives alone! God bless and keep posting on your "advent"ures. :)
Your family is inspiring me! Keep up the great job of remembering, and reminding others, what this season is all about! :)
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