On July 27th at about 3 in the morning, I woke up completely soaked and realized my water had broken. I was not having contractions but knew the drill and headed to the hospital. Contractions started at about 5 and started out very mild. By 7 am I was BEGGING for an epidural. I got the epidural at about 8:30 by the time the anesthesiologist came in. Ben was born at 9:22 and the epidural was too late...it did not help even a little. Ben came fast and furious and was born screaming.
The nurses ooohed and aaahed placed him directly on my chest. They remarked about his red hair. I was in too much pain to be able to really enjoy him and promptly handed him to Howard while I was "repaired" (Ben was born sunny side up, true to form). We had intended on naming Luke, Benjamin, and we had intended on naming Isaac, Benjamin, but after meeting Luke and Isaac, Benjamin just did not fit...for our Ben however, it did. His name is Benjamin Oliver. Benjamin because we loved the name and Oliver because Howard's grandpa's middle name was Oliver, and my grandfather is a descendant of Oliver Hazard Perry and also has the middle name Oliver.
He was 8 lb 6 oz the largest of my babies by far. He was born at 37 weeks, which at the time was the farthest I had ever made it in pregnancy. It took me quite a while to bond with Ben. I know I shared in a previous post that Isaac and Benjamin were nearly exactly a year apart. At the time I think I really expected Ben to heal my broken heart. In being honest, I have to admit I was disappointed when that hurt still remained.
We brought Benjamin home to our brand new home built just months before by his daddy's hard working hands.

This is the room we brought our new son home to. It is the same room that is now Hope's room and this is the same bedding we used for Luke. At the time I was pretty proud of his nursery...I am pretty sure Hope's takes the cake though. :-)
Ben was a high maintenance baby and has ALWAYS had the temper to match his red hair! I am certain God chose him for us because he has always been able to make us laugh. He has been a character from day one! Luke was my easy going kid. He never challenged me, never gave me gray hairs, he is a rule follower, so imagine my surprise when the Lord blessed us with Benjamin. He is a free spirit and I am pretty sure when you look up fun in the dictionary his picture should be the definition.
Many of you have commented on how much Ben and Hope look alike. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Benjamin's baby days...

Cute pics!
LOVE him. :)
I guess you have to wait sometimes for the right child to come for his name. Very touching story.
Ben sounds like a very endearing little boy that can have a temper if provoked... which may not be a bad thing if he stands up for himself and his family. I find children with strong personalities most interesting.
I know looking at his photos... I love him. What is not to love... he is a cutie-patootie and I love red hair. Was born with it myself.
That Ben sure is a cutie!! He looks exactly like my brother, to the point that I showed my brother Ben's picture and said "Is there anything you'd like to tell me???" He laughed and said "So how IS his mother?!"
That's very interesting and honest of you to say you were expecting Ben to heal you after Isaac. I've seen other people also try to "replace" that hole in their heart with another baby and it doesn't quite work. It's good that you say that for other people who find themselves in the same boat grieving a child and think a new one will fix that. Nothing will. Ben brings his own happiness to your family without replacing his brothers.
Oh that Ben... God has definately blessed you with an amazing gift. I could sit and listen to Ben stories all day long. (Well all of your munchkins actually) Miss ya mommy!
Sending my love,
He is gorgeous! I am so partial to red hair. His name is perfect. A friend has a Benjamin (also red headed) and says it means "son of my strength." I like that and Oliver is one of my all time favorite names. =)
Hope does favor Ben! How sweet!
Ben is adorable, and he sounds much like my 2nd little boy! I thought the nursery was adorable, but now I am intrigued, now I need to see a picture of Hope's (since it "takes the cake" and all). You have a beautiful family!
Great post!
He was a beautiful baby! I am glad I am not the only one that thinks Hope and he look alike. The bright nursery fits his personality. My father in law was Oliver so we have a William Oliver in our family. I used to detest that name and now I rather like it. Always have liked the name Benjamin though!
He definitely sounds like he is a joy to have around!! :-) He is one handsome little guy!
we just online with comcast. so i am in the moment on your blog and could not be any happier for ya'll. o the pics of miss hope are just adorable. i love the pics of ben's room~
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