BUT, I just wanted to give you a heads up of things to come. (In no particular order)
Due to the MANY of you who requested I will be doing a blog about my refrigerator :) So many of you emailed or commented asking for photos and about my orange Tupperware that I must oblige and I will as soon as I get a moment. :)
I will also be sure to put together a gallery of Hope's monthly birthday Lamby photos for you all to compare. As well as a few baby photos of Luke and Ben since so many of you seem to think she looks like them (she does).
I am also excited to announce that there will be a giveaway coming up VERY soon. I am still trying to iron out the details but I will be giving away a MUST have baby item soon, so look for that in the coming week.
If there is anything else you would like to know about us or see here on "Waiting For Happy" we would be glad to share I am sure! Just let me know!
I also want to thank you all for your prayers for Luke (and me) regarding Kindergarten! He is LOVING it! He comes home exhausted and somewhat zombie like and is really hard to press for information, but so far everything is going well. I want to pick him up so I get an extra hour with him in the evening, but he insists that the bus is his favorite part of school! :) We will see if that wears off. We live two minutes from school and he has a fifty minute ride home so it seems like a waste of time to me, but Howard insists I allow him the FULL experience.
He loves gym class and library. He also said he is becoming good friends with a boy named Ozzie and they like to play trains together. He took sunflowers from our garden to his teacher on Friday and was so excited about celebrating his birthday at school Friday too.
Tears flowed for me Wednesday and Thursday but I got up the driveway Friday without tears and Howard commended me for that. :) He was sure I was gonna cry all 180 days. :) We went Friday to help Howard get his classroom set up and we went to the "Teacher Store" to get some fun bulletin board stuff. He has in service Monday and Tuesday and kids in his district start Wednesday. I am going to need your prayers this coming week, I am pretty sure seeing him go will be just as hard if not harder than seeing Luke go as I now am going to have to get Luke on the bus WHILE juggling the littles. :) Howard leaves much earlier and NO ONE in this house is a morning person.

Oh bless your heart Kristy!! I will be praying!! Can't wait for the up-coming updates. :-)
I love seeing the updates on Hope! I keep her in my prayers.
I wanted to let you know that I gave you an award on my blog.
I never knew when I started reading your blog that I would experience my own loss. You have helped me with dealing with some of my own greif when you have shared openly about yours!
oh you have my thoughts and prayers! it will all be ok!!
Glad Reagan's not the only zombie...I have been so worried about her tiredness. It's not like her.
I worry too much.
:) Glad Luke is enjoying K! Reagan's having a hard adjustment, though she loves her teacher and her little girly friends from preschool.
kristy- i'm not sure how i found your blog- but i did and love catching your updates! curious to know where your "big brother" t-shirts came from.....i just love them! thanks, molly
PS The big brother shirts and there is a matching little sister one ( I have just never had the kids all in them at the same time) are from Carters. I got them at Kohls.
Hi Kristy,
I appreciate you sharing your life story with us here in blog land and wanted to thank you.
I have awarded you the "Friend Award" in my updated blog tonight.
With love and hope,
My husband is a teacher and he takes our oldest to school in the morning which is a blessing. Except she is NOT a morning person. That is an understatement too. So once G and K leave, Miss M and I can get ready fairly easy since she is always so happy. Well as long as she has a wipey to clean with! LOL (She's 13 months!)
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