It has already been a long and emotional day in the Bolte Household. It began at about four thirty this morning when Ben came into our room and crawled in our bed, which is not an uncommon occurance so we just snuggled him in and then Howard said, "Um, I think he has a fever." I felt him and sure enough he did. I got the thermometer because usually when Ben runs a fever we are talking 104 or higher. It was almost 101. Howard began to get up with him to take him to the living room so he was away from Hope and then Ben began to throw up, ALL over Howard. Howard is awesome and took it all in stride. I got up and got some towels and washcloths while Howard took Ben to the bathroom to get them both cleaned up. I got everyone new clothes and Howard went to the couch to lie down with Ben. That is where they remain as I type this from the opposite end of our 1100 square foot home :).
I woke Luke, who is typically very hard to wake up at about 7:30 and he jumped right out of bed as excited as could be. We had fruit and Krispy Kremes for breakfast, a sprinkled one for Luke for his special day, and then we brushed teeth, washed his face and he put on his new school clothes.
The bus was supposed to arrive according to the papers we got at 8:24 and Luke, who got a new watch for school, counted each minute! It was hilarious. At about 8:15 we went outside to be sure we didn't miss the bus. We took some photos and headed to the end of the driveway.
The bus arrived at about 8:27 and Luke jumped right on, never looking back except for me to take a picture. I on the other hand...held it together until I turned from the bus as it pulled away and then the tears came as I walked back up the driveway alone.
I have since been hanging with Hope and cleaning like crazy as aside from a good Krispy Kreme, there is nothing like Method Cucumber Melon All Purpose Cleaner for soothing the soul. :)
I will keep you all posted once I get the scoop when my big boy gets home! Love to all and thank you for the prayers. This is harder than I had ever imagined.

So cute! My oldest started kindergarten last week, and I cried as I left his school. They just grow up too quickly.
I will be praying that Ben is on the mend soon and that the rest of you stay well!
so glad that he was excited to go. bet it's beena great day for him!!
praying that ben feels better and that the rest of you are protected from getting what he has.
love ya!!
Oh that is so exciting and sad at the same time:) Your kiddos are all so cute!! I hope Ben gets to feeling better.
Method is the best! Cucumber is all I use :).
You did well, Kristy. I'm proud of you--so glad he was so excited! He'll be even more excited to get off that bus and tell you all about his day!
How exciting for Luke! It makes it so much easier to send them to school when they want to go.
Hope is growing in leaps and bounds isn't she.
Hope Ben feels better this evening and no one else catches it.
That is awesome that he was so excited to go to school! Hopefully his zest for learning stays throughout many many years of school!
Awww! Pretty soon you will enjoy the quiet time in the house. :O)
He looks so proud and happy....I hope he had a great day,
Our first day is two weeks away...He is so excited, but I am sure I will be in tears as well!
Praying for you and Ben!
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