"How blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, because it is they who will be satisfied!" Matthew 5:6
While at the Deeper Still Conference one of the things that has really stuck with me was something Kay Arthur said. She said, "We should hunger and thirst for God's word above ALL else." This really got me thinking. This is an area in which I REALLY lack. Yes, I read my daily devotionals and I dabble with the Bible a bit, but a hunger, a thirst, not so much. If we truly hunger for God's word we should dive into that above all else, before watching TV, before surfing the Internet, before reading other books, before doing ANYTHING else.
I have let myself off pretty easy the past few years. I have told myself that I am excused from digging deep into God's word because I am a busy mom. I have young children. I don't have time. Yet, I always find time for TV, the Internet, and many other things that take up parts of my day. I feel a void in my life so I try desperately to fill it with whatever seems good at the time and yet I always still feel empty.
If I have to cut something out of my day, often time it is my devotional time or quiet time that gets put by the wayside. The thing is, I am beginning to realize that if I make time for that FIRST everything else falls into place. Life is so uncertain, so much happens day to day that really throws our day out of whack. But not God's word, His word is steadfast. After a hard day instead of thirsting for TV to tune out, maybe I need to be thirsting for God's unchanging, living word and tune in.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God...Psalm 42:2
This is actually what I have been trying to do. I have since that conference tried to do a better job of submerging myself in God's amazing word. I have plastered verses all over everything that sits still in my house (though maybe my children would be great billboards too). I have learned that a simple tub crayon writes verses nicely on mirrors and windows, even fish tanks. :-) Luke is memorizing verses beautifully, he cannot read but if he sees one on the mirror he asks us to read it as he brushes his teeth.
We all have that void, that thirst yet we all try to fill it with ALL the wrong things. Sometimes I will make a commitment to be in the Bible every day and I do well for a few days and then I skip a day. Well then it is like a diet, you eat an Oreo, you might as well eat the whole package. (or is that just me) So I chalk it up to failure and just give up. That doesn't even make sense but that is what I do...
So....all of that said, I have really been in prayer about this and God is moving. I believe he is calling me to start a women's Bible study. I believe he is calling me to go even deeper and to really study the Bible. I am thinking of using one of the Beth Moore studies since she has been an instrument in all of this. So if any of you out there that live in the Erie area are interested in diving in to the Bible and growing in your relationship with our Savior, I would love to have you. I am still ironing out the details, but need to know who is interested before figuring out the rest. So if you are interested jot me an email! I am super excited about this!
When the Melanoma gal moves to the Beach
5 years ago
That was something that I myself, needed to read/hear too!! Thank you Kristy!! I struggle with that too and that was yet another wake-up call for me!!
I've appreciated your blog and your openness. May the Lord use it to His glory as you share your life and faith.
I had to comment on this post about your boys learning those verses. I was raised in a sound Christian home. My mother didn't come to the Lord until adulthood and God's Word was very precious to her. She would write out verses on index cards and even as an early reader I would read them and check her as she recited the verses to me. God used that simple task in my life. I memorized those verses just helping her and I've never forgotten them. A child can memorize SO quickly. I know that the verses that your boys are learning will stay in their hearts their entire lives. BTW, I'm a 64 year old Grandma.
ck out www.griefshare.org for a wonderful daily e-mail devotional for grieving people
HI Kristy, I've done two of Beth Moore's studies and they are AMAZING!
I love your idea of putting the Bible verses on everything so the kids learn it too. What a great way to teach them how God and his word fit into everyday life. Thanks! Love, MELANIE
Oh Kristy, I wish I was within driving distance of Erie because you would definitely be able to count me in for the Bible study. I think it's neat your thinking of doing one of Beth's, I haven't done one of them yet but certainly want to and in a group setting would be great! I hope you have many girls respond to this. I will add this to my prayer list under your name.
I love and miss you,
Oh how I wish we were in the same area, because my women's Bible study is touching on this right now. We just studied all of those verses that you mentioned and talked about all of the same things that you just did. We are doing a study called "Becoming a Woman of Prayer" and it is really good. I wish you could join us. You wouldn't mind flying into the great northwest, Tacoma Washington to be exact and joining us on Tuesday nights at Starbucks would you?
I will pray that you find just the right group of woman to study with.
I wish I was close because I am having a really hard time finding a bible study.
Sounds like a great idea. I have done one Beth Moore bible study and it was awesome.
Good Luck and I will be praying with you as you iron out the details.
We have recently started a women's Bible study at our church and I am so glad that I decided to attend!
We are studying the book of Matthew now and we learn something new every week.
We not only study the Word together but we enjoy the fellowship that only a group of women can.
I wish you luck with your group! I hope it is a true blessing. I wish I was closer but a commute from Alaska won't cut it. LOL
I'm so excited to read your post today!
I'm sure you will be blessed by opening His word with others. It has always blessed me more than the girls I invite each month - because of the extra time I take to be still with Him and in His word.
Lots of love and I will be praying the Lord leads those He wants at the study to reach out to you!
can i be a Pittsburgh extended member? I would love to join this group *sniff* I've been looking for a group in the burgh since we moved that wasn't already DEEP into the Bible, there's so much i haven't read in years and would love to know exactly where to look when I have questions instead of searching around like a fool.
I like you, just never seem to have time to delve deeper, and it's something i've always regretted!!
BTW...i updated our blog, sorry i was a slacker!
Love, Ginger
This is something that I have heard a few times in the last week or so. I'm assuming that's the Lord speaking, not anyone else! :) Guess I should work on it a little harder. I am a whole pkg of oreos kinda girl too! I hope you don't mind me commenting, I figured I should let you know when the Lord works through you. Thank you for being obedient.
I, too, write bible verses and put them around in places where I will read them. This is the way I meditate on God's word. I wish I lived closer to you...I would love to join in the bible study...but, I'm afraid it would be a long drive from Mississippi! I will pray that God will perfectly place each person who needs to be a part of it...
I have been using a chronological bible for my study...it is arranged for 356 days and that helps me keep from falling too far behind. (Right now I am ONLY 6 days behind). I use other devotionals, as well, but have recently realized that it is GOD'S word that I need to seek first.
Please know that you and your family remain in my daily prayers...
I also have been feeling drawn to just sitting down with the Bible and reading it, and only it, lately...feeling like I should start with reading the Bible before reading anything else, as a kind of anchor for the rest of my busy life. Hmmmm.
If I could drive in from Cleveland, I would, in a heartbeat! Guess I'll have to "make do" with peeking in on your blog! :-)
J. in OH
AMEN sister! I wish I were closer. By the way...Laura and I live outside of Denver, Colorado. You and your family are welcome anytime!
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