Thursday, May 15, 2008

Empty Bowls

Ok, so I told you I would let you know what Howard is up to tonight. Here goes...

Howard teaches World Geography to seventh graders at Linesville High School. He has a group of kids that are working on awareness of social issues and global poverty. (forgive me I forget the name of the group.) Anyhow, they have partnered with Edinboro University pottery student and created this program called Empty Bowls.

What it is is this...Edinboro students have donated their pottery bowls, which are REALLY cool and the group from Linesville is selling them for 10 dollars each. Five dollars will go to the Linesville food pantry and five dollars will go to a world hunger organization.

Tonight they are having a soup dinner where you can buy a bowl at the school and I believe they are doing a presentation to educate people on the issue of global poverty and hunger. That is at 5:00 tonight.

I am excited for Howard because this is why he got into teaching. He desperately wants to make a difference and most of the time just feels like he is treading water. ( I think he makes more of a difference than what he sees). So this program has been great for him and is doing great things for others.

I will post pictures of some of the bowls later...he took the camera with him to take pictures tonight since I cannot be there. Please pray for this program and that it would reach and help many.


Unknown said...

I LOVE THIS PROJECT!!! I remember they used to do the same Empty Bowls dinner at Slippery Rock. I always thought it was such a great idea! I'm glad that Howard gets the chance to share it with the kids like that! :)

The Pittsburgh Hites said...

What an awesome project Howard is doing with the kids!
We've been super busy this week and I just stopped by to see what if you've posted lately, and caught up on this week! I'm thinking of you and Howard and everything you have ahead, and just know even though it seems crazy right now, it will get better! And yes, go on vacation, sit by the ocean, and just enjoy each other's company!!
Greg and I were faced with some really tough situations in the last two years financially and we just kept praying that we'd have enough to make it through some months...we made it, even though somedays i have no idea how looking back!
The lord will provide...somehow!
Okay, Maggie has graduation today so it's about time to get her ready. I hear her upstairs giggling with Mema and Pop-pop already. Have a great weekend!!
Love, Ginger

Jennifer said...

That is really wonderful that Howard is doing that project with the kids. I am sure that it is something that will stick with him. Out here in Jersey a local high school did a project where the kids couldn't eat for a set amount of time. Then they were assigned a social economical class. When they were fed finally they had different foods and it was a huge wake up call. It was hard for the ones who got a gourmet loaded breakfast to see their fellow classmates eat just rice. I love when people do things like what your husband is doing. Praise God for teachers who make a difference.