Today has been a long day for me already and it is only 3:00 pm. I had to get up extra early this morning so I could shower and be presentable before the boys got up so we could be out of the house by 8:30. Today I spoke to the MOPS group at my church about my experiences and then I had to run through things for
PowerZone weekend this weekend (details in previous post). Now the boys are resting and I have had a bit of time to reflect on my day.
I guess today was the first time I had actually verbally gone through my story with anyone and I am not even sure I got out the things I wanted to say as I kept getting choked up and losing my train of thought. As I spoke though I knew I had limited time and for those who know me know I could probably talk forever. So it forced me to think about the most important points I wanted to make in all of this.
I wanted to tell my story and explain the struggles and fears of the past few months but I wanted to convey how
even though this has been the hardest and most painful thing I have ever had to endure, I also feel very blessed that God chose us for this. I have come to learn that God uses the broken.
"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline" Revelation 3:19
God trusted me, He trusted Howard with these gifts. It seems strange, but he often hand picks those he trusts most to remain faithful and shine the light of His Son to endure trials and suffering so that others may see God's goodness in them. I had thought of this before and thought "gee if that is what it means to have God love and trust me, I would rather He didn't" and if I am being honest, I still am so amazed that he would choose a crazy screw up like myself to carry such an important burden. The fact remains however that God doesn't make mistakes. So that means he truly chose us for this journey and we will not disappoint him!
It is a weird feeling but though I miss Isaac and Asher with every fiber of my being I am also so proud of them. I am so humbled that God would chose Howard and myself to care for such precious gifts. I am so determined not to waste all of this. I am on fire to make sure that everyone knows our God did answer our prayers and he is the same today as he was five years ago or five hundred years ago. I know that this is far from over. We still have so much to give as we have been given so much.
The other point to our story that I feel is crucial is the way we have been lifted up and carried by more people than we could count. Too many to even be able to thank personally. So if you are reading this and have been one of the people who has prayed for us, left us
encouraging phone messages, text messages, emails, cards, or notes, or if you are a person who has brought us a meal, gift card, money to help cover expenses, signed up to walk with us in the March for Babies or donated to the cause, one of my new amazing "internet" friends who is also walking a similar journey, or if you are a person who has sent us a gift we thank you. We have
been so encouraged and more certain than ever that there is a God and that he is an amazing God. He has brought each of you into our lives at exactly the right time and my heart has been brought to overflowing.
Today as I went to check the mail I reached in the box, the cards and notes have mostly stopped so I was expecting a bunch of bills (some that I have totally forgotten to pay in the craziness of life) and there was a small package. I brought it in and opened it and found the most perfect little gift on a day that I really needed just a little boost to get through the rest of my day. It is a small wooden block similar to the alphabet blocks children play with. This one had the letter A on one side, in loving memory on one side, Asher Joseph
Bolte on one side, all of his statistics, weight height etc on one side, entered into Heaven February 22, 2008 on one side and the name of the family who sent it on the other. It is so perfect. (Thank you Kim and Wes) It came at the perfect time and I just love it, it is a perfect gentle reminder of our sweet son!
My heart is truly so full, broken yet full which is a strange feeling. I truly wish I could thank each of you individually for all you have done and for being such an important part of our story, and I am trying but please know that no well wish, prayer or gift has gone unnoticed. Please continue to lift us up in prayer as we continue on this journey. God is at work and is doing GREAT things! I have truly come to know a love I would never have known without my boys. A love for them, a love for my God, and a love for all of you. We are also astounded at the outpouring of love from all of you! Words seem so inadequate, but thank you! We love you!